Newman Roller Frames - For SALE - Assorted Sizes

United States

Currently selling various Newman Roller Frames and Mesh. Frames are in good condition, roughly 6 years old...just need a bit of clean up.


Qty: 29 of the 23x31 MZX
Qty: 4 of the 23x31 M3
Qty: 3 of the 31x31 MZX
Qty: 13 of the 23 x33 M3
Qty: 6 of the 23x21

Manual screens:


Qty: 3 of the M3
Qty: 3 of the MZX

We also have Mesh for sale, 23x31, 25x36 and 23x33. Please call (603-436-4700) or e-mail for more information.