FS: 2 Barudan Machines / 12 & 15 Head

United States

12 Barudan unitech 7 Color BESR M - UG - 12T with trims

15 Barudan unitech 9 Color BEMA MAME - YN - 15T Drop table with trims, Does Hats

Both are reliable machines and have been my money maker for along time.

Reason for sale: moving locations and need just 1 smaller machine

Both machines use brown hoops and i have plenty of them, 15 Head machine also uses blue hoops for jacket backs included. I will also throw in hooping station & arms.

Located in San Diego. Need these gone asap!

If you are in San Diego or near, i will help pay for the move for this expense. Please email me for more details

$12K for both or make reasonable offer.

Barudan Embroidery Machines , Toyota , SWF , Happy , Tajima

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