By Ghostwork Ink on
Mar. 22, 2009
Im looking for clothing racks for the main show room of my shop..
I'd prefer circular ones
Let me know!
United States
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
Hey there ... go to
They have all kinds of racks, thats where I have bought most of my displays for my showroom.
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
There way expensive!
I'm looking for used
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
Check and see if any local clothing stores, thrift shops or such are going out of business. That is how we got ours. It is a nice circular one and we paid $50!
Laurie :)
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
3 clothing buisness went out of buisness within the last 3 months around our shop, but we had no idea they were getting rid of EVERYTHING, turns out they gave away metal shelfs, all clothing racks, and mannequins for free! :(
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
Man that bites!! Well just keep your ears and eyes open! Good Luck!
Laurie :)
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
there is a listing on a craigslist near me for the square ones for $10 each its in the NH craigslist ..its located in Dover, NH
might be alot to ship though
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
ah bummer!
there a lady on ebay selling real nice chrome circular ones for 25 a pop, and 25 for shipping each.
her feedback isnt 100% though, many said they never recived there clothing racks.. so i dont know :(
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
I would stay away from that seller then...
I shop a lot on ebay and really have learned to pay attention to feedback left by others!
Laurie :)
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
Yeah i ended up not buying them from her
i looked in the paper shop the other day and found some cheap ones!
thanks laurie
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
I know this is an older message, but I have a gondala for sale if you are interested.
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
could you show me some photos and give me a price? thanks!
Re: Anyone selling clothing racks?
glad you finally found some!
I am hoping to find something smaller than what I have, but it works for now.
How'd you ever work out on those v-neck tees?