Anyone selling clothing racks?

Ghostwork Ink's picture

Im looking for clothing racks for the main show room of my shop..
I'd prefer circular ones

Let me know!

United States


Worn Id's picture

Check and see if any local clothing stores, thrift shops or such are going out of business. That is how we got ours. It is a nice circular one and we paid $50!

Laurie :)


Ghostwork Ink's picture

3 clothing buisness went out of buisness within the last 3 months around our shop, but we had no idea they were getting rid of EVERYTHING, turns out they gave away metal shelfs, all clothing racks, and mannequins for free! :(


Ghostwork Ink's picture

ah bummer!
there a lady on ebay selling real nice chrome circular ones for 25 a pop, and 25 for shipping each.
her feedback isnt 100% though, many said they never recived there clothing racks.. so i dont know :(


Worn Id's picture

I would stay away from that seller then...
I shop a lot on ebay and really have learned to pay attention to feedback left by others!

Laurie :)


Worn Id's picture

glad you finally found some!
I am hoping to find something smaller than what I have, but it works for now.

How'd you ever work out on those v-neck tees?