Looking to unload some stuff to save my house and my shop. The wife and I were laid off two months ago and just now found part time work. I need to sell some stuff to catch up on the mortgage payments .. and i just sold my screen press the other day so that i could order a brand new riley hopkins and the mortgage company demanded $1700 bux by the end of the month or they were going to start foreclosure.. So i need to sell what i can quickly to get the funds back that i need to buy my press So i can get back to work here at the house screen printing!!!
So long story Short!! BUY BUY BUY .. please
Payments via Paypal
Shipping Via UPS Ground
I have a Great condition M-IX newman Roller Frame wrench.
Looking for $75 obo for it.
I have 8 like new Newman MZX Roller Frames (3 rollers 1 square bar)
"23 X 28"OD
(58.42 X 71.12cm)
Retail is $45ish per ..
Looking for $30ish each Plus Shipping via UPS Ground.
These are basically new.. I don't think we've ever used them... if so only once or twice. they are 100% clean at the moment.
17 Smaller Roller Frames
20x24 OD
$15 each. plus shipping (actual UPS Ground)
Email me if you are interested for some reason i dont get emails from this site when i get messages.. so you can do both if you want .. but email always works
There are 4 Comments
Re: Newman Roller frames & Wrench
The 23x28 roller frames are pending
everything else is still up for grabs
Re: Newman Roller frames & Wrench
23/28 frames are sold!
offer up on the other stuff!
Re: Newman Roller frames & Wrench
the smaller newmans are sold/pending
i still have the M1 wrench for sale
Re: Newman Roller frames & Wrench
all sold/gone