Bobbin thread not catching

I sure hope someone can help me out here. I have owned a commercial machine for 4 years. Toyota Esp 9000. I have a design that I have stitched thousands of times. The problem is about 5 months ago I noticed the design was stitched out and having a loose thread that was unraveling. I took my machine in to Pantograms for a tune up. THey saw nothing wrong with it. I have notice with running stitch that the bobbin thread isnt catching for 12-20 stitches. The rest of the design seems fine but the fact that those intitial stitches dont catch makes design come apart.
What is it that could be going on?
I have adjusted all thread tensions, changed needles, check all thread paths, checked made sure it has lock stitch on. replaced the bobbin case.
:mad: Also the bobbin tension is very erratic. Like for example the bobbin thread was showing on top of the design and the bobbin thread was already too tight.
Please help I have a heap of orders piling and I am at my wits end.

It could also be the type of material you are sewing on. Some materials need needles with special points. It it is a thin but dense material, you might try a sharper, smaller needle that can penetrate the material easier. Many embroidery machine needles use a ball point or modified ball point, great for knits, but not for some other materials.


Try slowing down your inching speed, however, if you've done the design before without issue, I agree with Art, your hook timing may be off ever so slightly.