Needed: Washout Booth and/or Dip Tank

United States

I live in South East Michigan.

In addition to the washout booth I need a pressure washer.


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you can just build a wash out booth. go to lowes or home depot and buy a
double bay work sink they are plastic and about 100 bucks. then get some
1x2's or something that you can build a wooden frame with around the sink, just
screw them right into the lip around the edge of the sink. we made ours 4 feet tall
for the surrounding walls. then i layered it with some white hard board which is
pretty much water proof. then caulk the seems. much cheaper than buying one and it
works great. i then cut out some of the middle divider in the sink and mounted a piece
of pvc pipe cut in half, from end to end. this holds the screens in place. it is nice because you can fit two screens in at once. i then put a piece of plexi glass on top and put a light up there. have at it.