Complete Home Embroidery & Tranfer Bussiness
2 head 15 needle Barudan 2003 w/1000 or less hours/ all hoops / Hoops Master / 400 to 500 5000 meter spools of thread/ backer of all types / work tables/ shelfs/ commerical
sewing machine / 1015US Hp compact laptop computer w/high res display 15.4" / TES Creator Plus V2 software / Ximeta net disk external harddrive for backup/ Plus a G3 Mac Mini tower w/2 40 gig hard drives new / 356 megs of ram / 1500 typefaces / coral draw 6/
Umax Powerlook II letter/legal scanner 1200 x 1200 dpi res. used very little. 21" Sony
color Monitor. this mac has floopy drive that read the old and new disk/ 100 mg zip drive/
cd/dvd read only drive. There is also and G3 for parts. An Xante CL 30 color printer
that does tee shirt transfer, this printer is new w/1 year warranty. All of this is in a 8' x 45'
portable building w/heat & air, carpet & more. I would like to sell as a complete pack. I
can arrange transportion to any area of the lower 48 states of the US. Asking price
75,000 plus traansportation fees.
Contact Jerry at 580-465-5733 or email at
central standard time 8am to 6pm.