Printer Advice Needed

Hi all,
I'm new here and also new to screen printing with ALOT of questions. I recently bought me a 4 color single station (Brown mfg) machine with everything included, Flash dryer, exposure system, screen drying cabinet, Ink and all the chemicals.

I'm stuck in the film possitive process and may need a printer. Iv'e done some searching and recearched a few printers but the high cost has kept me from buying.

I just recently had to replace my old office (Epson CX5400) printer with a HP F4440 desk jet. I also recently bought some 8.5" x 14" film from Rayonet. I done a test print on one piece and I can see some light through the black. ( KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ONLY FOR BOLD TEXT ) NO Halftones or Color seperations yet! (Will need it Someday i'm sure..)

** I'm looking at the EPSON 1400 W DYE INK CISS CIS SYSTEM, Is anyone using one of these for there films with good results?

1). Can I get this HP F4440 to work on film or should I buy another printer?

With keeping cost down what one would be a nice one to get that would work well with the film I already have?

Thanks in Advance!


ive got the epson r1800 and it works great but you need to buy you a rip like fastrip and it will lay out darker black. checon ebay there is good prices for r1800

tshirt outlet wrote:
ive got the epson r1800 and it works great but you need to buy you a rip like fastrip and it will lay out darker black. checon ebay there is good prices for r1800
I will check those out. Will this printer ( EPSON 1400 W DYE INK CISS CIS SYSTEM ) work well for doing what I want?