3 ½ floppy drive to USB flash drive reader upgrade

United States

Eliminate your need for 3 ½ floppies and 3 ½ disk drives!!!

Our 3 ½ floppy disk drive to USB flash drive reader converter will seamlessly replace your existing floppy drive with an independently operated USB flash drive reader. No additional changes to your system are needed besides removing the existing drive and replacing it with this drive. “Plug and Play”. Easy installation and no drivers required, no system configurations needed and no debugging required. If you can replace a floppy disk drive, you can install this device. The device connects to your existing power and data (ribbon) cables.

The soundless drive emulates your existing floppy drive to act as if the floppy drive was never removed. This drive will replace most any existing 720k/1.44MB capacity IBM format floppy drive or your money back. Do away with the painfully slow and obsolete floppy disks. Not only will this device work in PCs but, it will also work in machinery or devices that still use floppy drives. This device completely replaces the universal floppy drive of computerized system. If you are not certain this device will work in your equipment, then just ask! 1 Year Warranty. This device also emulates NON IBM type drives (TEAC, etc) and can also be setup as a DRIVE 0, DRIVE 1 configuration

Will work successfully on · CNC Machines · Embroidery Machines · Keyboards · Knitting Machines · Diagnostics Machines · Cutters · Routers · Plasma Cutters · X-Ray Machines · Robotics · Mills · And most any device with a Floppy Disk Drive!!!

contact: Bukste87@gmail.com

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