Begging, Borrowing and Praying

United States

I am a 68 year old retired railroader. I live in Granite Shoals Texas about 30 miles west of Austin.
Since retiring in 1997 I have had much pleasure from doing embroidered projects for my family, my friends, and mainly several different churches. I have had 3 different sewing-embroidery machines and am presently using a Janome MC1100. Since May of 2008 my wife and I have become involved in the Prayer Blanket Ministry of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Marble Falls. Since inception we have sent out in excess of 200 prayer blankets, made by church members, each containing two labels containing especially their names and inspirational prayers or poems. These blankets have been sent to people in need of hope from coast to coast and several to foreign countries. We also make embroidered quilts for church auctions or other church financial benefits. When word of mouth reached the Methodist Church they were bold enough to ask if I would embroidery for their ministry that sends dolls and baby rattles to third world countries, this I do time permitting.
I am asking, begging, looking for a benefactor who is financially able to furnish a 6, 9, or 12 needle embroidery machine capable of sewing at least 12x12 labels. At one time I would never ask as I would have been able to furnish it myself but alas....
As I do this free of charge, period, the church takes donations to provide for the material and batting for these blankets, but some 10 + years of furnishing thread and backing plus incidentals I can no longer afford to buy a machine. Should anyone find themselves able to help I'm fairly sure I could get our priest to sign a document qualifying the gift as tax deductible.
I thank anyone who reads this, I double thank anyone considers this, and anyone who can accomplish this will be prayed for by many many parishioners. For those who think me crazy..... well remember......"WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" MT19:26.

A few pictures of my accomplishments: I may be reached at

There is 1 Comment

I wish that I had the machine to give you. I know that through God all things are possible, so keep praying and I will say a pray for you too. I think that what you have done is beautiful. My husband also works for the railroad and we have three small children. I finally had to quit my job to stay home and care for our children. I have started a sewing business. and I would love a small embroidery machine to finish my projects with a special touch. I wish you the best, Be Blessed!