Hi my name is Eric, and I want to get into T-Shirt printing. Let’s lay all the cards on the table….
I’m not really sure how to go about it. I’m sure I want to do black shirts with graphics and text.
I want to do an online thing, that’s my dream for the last 3 years, and then stem into a shop.
I was working pretty steady towards my goal to have my credit and life ready for this until a few months ago when I took a hit at work and ended up having to give up my car. I’m sure my credit sucks beyond terrible.
I still have the dream.
So I have no money, lousy credit, and a pocket full of dreams… but it could be worse. I could have the first two without the third :D
I’m looking for Sage like advise. I fully intend to move forward with this even though it seems everything from the economy to my career is ready to crumble.
I know nothing about screen printing past what the name intones.
What do you use?
Do you like it?
Bear in mind that if I print a shirt a day to start I’ll be blown out of the water amazed…
So what’s cheap to get started?
What will I need?
I saw a screen printing jobberdo at a crafts store for like $300, would that be a good start?