Wanted Automatic Press

United States

I am interested in a 6 to 8 color press with 6 to 8 stations. Please contact me at rsorenson@easyshirtco.com or 630-205-3621 Will pay cash!

Robert S

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I've got a 12 station by 8 color Automatic American Centurion Screen Printing Press. This machine is in great condition and is ready asap!

regular sized squeegees and flood bars
oversized squeegees and flood bars
Air Clamps
regualr sized palletts (12)
Oversized palletts (12)
Roller Frames 42''X52'' (13)
Husky 3.2 Running HP 60 Gallon Cast Iron Air Compressor
2008 AWT Exposing Unit 4'x7'

Let me know if your interested! Email with interest for pictures and shipping information!

Trying to sell in a package but will sell machine seperately!

Package = $27,500

Machine = $21,500

Email quesitons to sean.mcmechen@email.cudenver.edu