We are currently in the process of re-inventing our business and its structure and are looking to sell a majority of our equipment while we go through the re-invention process.
This package includes:
12 station by 8 color automatic American Centurion Press
Set of regular sized pallets
Squeegees and Flood Bars (8 of each)
Oversized Newman Roller Frames (with all over capabilities)41''x52'' (13)
Oversized Squeegees and Flood Bars (4 of each)
Oversized Pallets - 30'' by 42''
Auto Air Clamps (back)
Manual Clamps (front)
Husky Air Compressor
Asking Price for Package = $24,999
Also for Sale:
2008 7' by 5' AWT Exposing Unit = $2,500 - Big enough for oversized frames -
Buyer is in charge of loading and shipping costs as a fork lift is required to load the machine. Oversized capabilites will allow you to enter a whole new market of printing as well as advertising. However, when performing all over prints on this machine note that this will reduce the machines capabilities down from an 8 color press down to a 4 color all over press; but the option is up to the printer.
Let me know if you have any questions! Pictures can be viewed on tripleogclothing.com under "The Operation" tab!
Email me at: