
Does anyone know anything about this brand?

Are You Saying I Work For Swf .where Did You Get That From

OK OK OK ... without turning this into just short of a politcal debate.

The bottom line here is, no matter WHAT machine you have, there is good ones, there is bad ones. I've had at least one of most of the brands out there.

Tajima, which is one of the more reputable, my last 18 head was a LEMON LEMON LEMON! But none of my other ones have ever even hiccuped, I had a Barudan blow a motor 3 days after it was intalled, yet, I have one (still running) from the 80's!

I had an SWF that was a nightmare, other people swear by them.

I have a Happy which was my first multi-head ever when I was starting out, ran like a trooper, still using it almost 10 years later, you should see the message board posts about Happy's ... yikes.

ANY machine has Pro's and Con's .... its a matter of preference, My personal preference is Barudan, others swear by Tajima. I know people who wouldn't give up their SWF's for anything.

A lot (for me at least) has to do with the people who rep them. My Barudan and Tajima reps are great guys, alwasy answer questions, set up services for me, while my SWF rep was like ... Thanks for your $10 grand, here's your hunk of metal, don't call us, we'll call you, I'd probably have a fleet of SWF's by now if I hadn't been treated the way I was.

I'm just saying that everyone has had good/bad experience with almost ANY machine out there. If you've only had ONE Ricoma, it doesn't mean the rest are junk, it just means the one you had was. Like I said, I spent $120,000 on a Barudan and had a motor blow 3 days after it was delivered. I was not happy, but things happen, and its doesn't mean Barudan is sh** it... means sh** happens. If I had 5 or 6 Barudnas blow motors then yeah, I'd have a chip on my shoulder.

At any rate, I'm getting unnecessarily long winded not to mention redundant. So I'll leave it there.

eric i see your point but what gets me is where this guy thinks iam a rep for swf .if iam rep for swf please let me know cause somebody owes me some money lol

LOL ... If you're a SWF rep, you owe me money too ;)

tshirt outlet wrote:
eric i see your point but what gets me is where this guy thinks iam a rep for swf .if iam rep for swf please let me know cause somebody owes me some money lol

Ehhh, Brush it off, I wouldn't worry.

I see there is a line forming for SWF refunds, where do I take my number from?

LOL. I shouldn't say that though, I don't want to eat my own words and sound hypocritical, I've only had one, it just happened to be a bad one.

i had a 4 head and had no prob .i had a 1 head ricoma and i thought the sewout sucked i lost alot of work with that machine it wouldnt produce the same sewout on customers logos

was in busneiss 13 yrs had a swf 4 head not a problem . down graded to a 1 head ricoma yeah the machine ran good with know problems but the sew out it gave did not even come close to the swf . i know my machines in and out and forgot more then you prob know. JERK