By mrteeshirt on
Apr. 10, 2007
Our roland PNC-950 has developed an attitude. It was fine untill it got cleaned. Now it does not always cut correctly. it works for small job's but at about 3 feet it startes to cut in the wrong place. Normally 6 inches out of line with the begining of the cut. anyone know of any problems with this machine and XP/Corel 12?
Are there any recomendations about how to get this back online? it cuts the test OK and cut's small work fine.
Re: Roland PNC-950
It kind of sounds like you might have got something on the lens of the tracking sensor. My old LXI did something that sounds like your problem. Turned up shortly after it was cleaned. I got dust and glass cleaner to mix up into a "Mud" and wiped it on the lens without knowing I did.
After several weeks of hair pulling and talking to reps until I could puke coat hangers, a tech turned me on to the fact that I blinded my cutter.
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