By kliffwalker on
Feb. 11, 2010
United States
:New HOPKINS/BWM StartingLine Press 6/Color 4/Station Bought New in Apr 09 $2700
:BlackBody Conveyor Dryer 120V, 1941W, 16.2 amps 18" $1200
:NuArc First Light FL2532 Vacume Exposure Unit W?Ricoh Laser Printer AP610N $1200
:Flash Dryer $500
:Software Corel Draw Originol Copy $300
:Located in OrangeCounty,Ca Please Call For More Info (951)570-4152
"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job"
"Depression is when you lose yours"
"And Recovery is when Obama loses his"
There are 3 Comments
Re: ForSale in OrangeCounty Ca
Do you still have the Hopkins press, if so what is the bottom line cash price?
Re: ForSale in OrangeCounty Ca
What is the price your selling this equipment for?
Re: ForSale in OrangeCounty Ca
I'm interested in the price of the equipment as well, especially for the convery dryer. Im local so this would be a big convience. thanks.