By Traveler76 on
Feb. 28, 2010
United States
$ 2,500.00 American TexAir/ EGE 60" wide Gas Dryer,160,000 BTU's currently set up for Natural Gas with 5' of infeed and 10' of heat and 5' of outfeed. Dryer is 30 years old but has 3 new IR units, new belt drive motor, new exhaust blower motor, flame pak, flame rod, heat controllers, etc. This unit is currently in production in Hinesville, Ga. and has several thousand dollars in spare parts that will go with unit. Exhaust system will go as well (12" double walled exhause with commerial vent for roof. Looks rough on the outside but this unit has all its punch where it counts.
There are 2 Comments
Re: Textile Gas Oven
could you possibly send me some pics to my email if I give it to you privately?
Re: Textile Gas Oven
If you will send me your e-mail address to I will be more than glad to send photos to you. Site would not allow the photos that I already had, said they were too big.
Daniel Clark