By jkirsch on
Mar. 09, 2010
United States
Looking for the following items preferably on the west coast so I can inspect and buy.
6c/6s ranar (elite) or workhorse press
Large format exposure unit
Cheap accurip and 17" wide epson printer
Please email me back what you have and only serious sellers with good condition equipment only please.
There are 3 Comments
Re: WANTED: West Coast equipment. 6c/6s, exposure, rip, printer
I just sent you a e-mail.
Re: WANTED: West Coast equipment. 6c/6s, exposure, rip, printer
Yes, got your message and replied.
Re: WANTED: West Coast equipment. 6c/6s, exposure, rip, printer
I too would like equipment on the left coast. email me at, thanks