By Sew Sane on
Mar. 15, 2010
United States
For those of you who have sold and shipped this model machine, which shipping company did you use? Did you have original packing or pack yourself?
There are 4 Comments
Re: Shipping for PR620 or BMP8
I shipped with UPS from the Western States to Alaska. Make sure you get insurance. I let them pack it. When the buyer received it she said there was a hole in the box, but it appeared that everything was still there. If I remember right the cost for shipping was just over $500.00. It has been almost a year. Before I took it to UPS I called different trucking companies. You have to crate it yourself and after all is said and done the cost for shipping was higher than UPS. I hope this helps.
Re: Shipping for PR620 or BMP8
NO!! I would not trust teh UPS packing store. I bought a babylock emp6 and he seller brouht it to the UPS store and had them pack and ship... They cost me 5K!!!! They put it in a double wall card board box with packing peanuts... it spun around and probably dropped, now the head is out of alignment ( I have a post offering it back up for sale for anyone who wants to work on it and fix it), and don't get me started about trying to deal with UPS claims.
I would say have it bolted to a pallette and use a freight company... I wish I did.
Re: Shipping for PR620 or BMP8
Thanks for the FYI
Re: Shipping for PR620 or BMP8
Take it to the UPS store. Let them pack it.