6 color/4 station whole shop for sale

United States

We are very motivated to sell asap! Will entertain all reasonable offers!! Printa 770 series 6 color/4 station bought about 1 year ago and hardly used.

5 platens, 15 alluminum screens, 2-14" squeegies, 6-11" squeegies, 3-6" squeegies, 5' 770infrared conveyor dryer 110 V, laser thermometer, onboard exposure unit, onboard drying cabinet, flash cure unit with stand, athletic numbering kit, six-panel cap platen with screen, extra platens including pocket, sleeve and bag, goof gun with solution, roll of R-film ink jet film 17"x 100', spray attachment for hose to rinse out screens, platen paper, blockout board, ink remover, carrier sheets for exposing artwork, training book.

Pretty much everything needed to start your business! We can email you pictures if needed.

We are asking $6,900. Plus the cost of shipping. If local, we are in Orlando, Fl and can arrange some sort of transportation without shipping costs. Again, we will entertain ALL REASONABLE OFFERS!!!!!
