By Jdm on
May. 03, 2007
I've been looking online for a while for a small screen printing package. so far i've found this:
I was wondering if this is a good package for me to make a few shirts for myself?:confused:
oh yeah, would i need any fancy things like a computer printer for making my film positives, or negatives?
Re: Screen Printing troubles
I had one of those packages when I was a young'un. You don't need a computer printer because you have to paint the stencil by hand.
Steady nerves and a steady hand is what you need. And you'll need to be a good artist to paint the image in negative form.
At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.
Re: Screen Printing troubles
no i dont recremend this at all..
Re: Screen Printing troubles
It really depends on the type of art you want on the tee-shirt.
That screen print package you had the link to looks (to me) really cheesy.
Just what is it you want on a tee?
Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!
Re: Screen Printing troubles
If you plan on running a business with that, don't. It's just for crafts like if you wanted to print 1 or 2 shirts. If you're talking about getting a computer and such, you'll want a real rotary press. That's something they sell at Michael's for the craft crowd and the WOW of making a shirt for yourself one time.