--looking for a overlock machine -------

United States

looking for a overlock machine that can do edging for a patch type application new to this field any info would be great thanks

There are 2 Comments

I have several Merrow machines in my shop. The Merrow machine is a very versatile machine and can be used in many configurations. I would have to check on a "change-over" kit to set it up for patches before I could price. If you are interested let me know. I am in Bristol, Virginia.

What you are looking for is a merrow machine, this machine is designed to produce the stitching around a patch. It is manufactured by the Merrow company designated the MG-3U and they are currently out of stock. Their web site is merrow.com and if you do a search you can find companies that may have one for sale. Be advised that this machine required a much higher level of maintenance knowledge due to using bent/curved needles, loopers etc. Much of the adjustment is accomplished by actually bending components by just a few thousandths of an inch. Very interesting, they even have a set up that is fully automated, a few years ago I priced it at $26,000.00 for the full set up.