A couple of questions

First, I'm having trouble with the thread not tying off at the end of numbers and letters. This is only when I'm doing just a number or a name, not multi-color designs. Sometimes it will stitch a couple times in place at the end, but most of the time it just stops and the hook rotates a couple times before trimming. I'm assuming it a problem with the digitizing, but it seems like it's happening more than it used to, although it could just be that I'm noticing it more than before. I've been using Embroidery Fonts Plus for numbers and names, and was hoping someone would know how to fix this problem.

Second, I have a Barudan 4-head and sometimes when I turn a head on after running something with it off it doesn't click like it should (it's more of a dull thud). It has done this with all of them a couple of times. When it does this I turn if on and off again a couple of times until is sounds like it should. Does anyone know why it's doing this and how I might be able to fix it? It's been doing it a lot more often the last couple of weeks, so I'm worried there's a part in there getting worn down. Any help with either of these issues would be greatly appreciated!

United States

Your first question would appear that your digitizer did not put lock stitches in at the ends of the letters. This is something that needs to be done with most non auto digitizing programs.

I have no idea as to your second problem. Sorry. Flint54

Are those lock stitches necessary for all small lettering stuff? Because sometimes it won't make those lock stitches but when I check the back the thread has tied off. I just can't be sure when it will tie off and when it won't.

SoccerEmb wrote:
Are those lock stitches necessary for all small lettering stuff? Because sometimes it won't make those lock stitches but when I check the back the thread has tied off. I just can't be sure when it will tie off and when it won't.

our supervisor digitizer says that ... whenever you need a trim ( cut ) ,you need to have it locked in the end,no matter for lettering or any kind of designs ... if you do not need a trim ( connected ),you do not need to have it locked. :)

:) embroidered patches,embroidery digitizing,and more ... momols.com