By Guinness1911 on
May. 25, 2007
I'm new to the forum and to embroidery. I have a single head Ricoma RCM-1201PT machine. I've been trying to learn how to use the machine on my own and really have no other training.
I'm using an EMS Hooptech frame for my hats. I figured out my intial issues with needles braking, but I was curious if there is any hooping techniques for low profile hats that are structured? They seem to be a lot different than unstructered.
Re: Help With Hats
Hats have always been a trouble for everyone.
Structured hats are more troublesome than unsrtuctured ones. However, you will definately learn the tricks very soon as you will be experiencing new things every now and then.
What needle size are you using for the hats?
Structured hats sometimes require a bit thicker needles as the needle has to go through a thick center seam where thinner needles will break.
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Re: Help With Hats
Hmm working with hats has always been an issue.
I hope this can help as I replied in another forum.
Doing embroidery on caps is not simple, but it can be well done if you know how to do it.
Make sure that you run the embroidery right from the bottom middle of the front side of the caps where the joint is. Starting point is very important here. From that bottom middle start point, then you can go on to the left/right or the top side of the embroidery.
You also have to pay attention to the garment type that you use. If it is thin, you should use 0.6-0.5 mm density, if it is medium use 0.5-0.4 mm density, and if it is thick use 0.4-0.3 mm density. So make sure you do the digitizing right.
If you want to create deluxe caps with thick garment and thread, I use 0.2mm density in my digitized design and foam to help creating the 3D effects. I'm pretty sure the caps will look really really good!!! I've done this all the time and customers are happy with the result..
I post some pictures to assist you in this matter, click here:
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