If you're looking to get into the t-shirt business then you are in the right place. I am selling some fairly new screen printing equipment. This package includes everything you need to start your own t-shirt printing company. It includes a 6 color 4 station Lawson Beta press with micro registration, a mini-star lawson dryer, a lawson exposure unit, Flash unit, Epson 1400 Film Printer, Many screens (includes 4 of the new panel frames with the tool to stretch your own mesh). This also comes with many supplies include tons of ink, chemicals, squeeges, spray, tape, mixing sticks, ez film and much more.
This equipment has only been used over the past 4 months. I need to sell it to make room for some new equipment. Please call me if you are interested 773-687-0520. This equipment was purchased 4 months ago with proof of purchase for $13,000.00.
My store is located in Chicago. onehourtees.com
There is 1 Comment
Re: Almost New Complete Lawson Screen Printing Package - $6999.0
I would be willing to give $5,000 for all.