I have an Etsy store and my business has really taken off. I have a lowly Bernina 180 That I am running in the ground daily as it runs at least 12 plus hours a day. My problem is I am sitting here all day in front of a dinky machine that can only do so many with me changing threads and as slow as it is. I try to stay low in Etsy as to not get too many orders as I don't know how many more my machine can take. But with little more effort I could really have a bigger business.
I don't have alot of money to put into another machine...but if I got a more of a commercial or semi commercial machine I could realllllly be booming and do tons of orders in the 12 plus hours I sit back here slowly doing orders.
So my question and I want advise is............do I just buy a second Bernina 180 (since I already know how to run it) or do I get a Janome MB4 or another machine and get my business going big time?
Help......also my machine is not going to last much longer and I am going to be stranded without one.
Advise? I live in the Monroe,Louisiana area.
There are 7 Comments
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
Hi Janet,
I don't have any machines for sale, but I thought I would give you some advise from one small business owner to another who makes her own things. If you can, select a machine that has a minimum of 6 needles. I know the price is attractive for the Janome, but you will grow out of it very fast. It's better to start right then figure out you made a mistake with so little needles.
I recommend the Happy Voyager. It has 12 needles and trust me, you will use them. If not all 12 needles, think of it as not having to thread your primary colors. You might use different threads for different designs, and having 12 saves time when it comes to re-threading.
Good luck.
Bark and Stuff
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
loved my janome mb4 did quite a lot of work on it had it services 2 months ago then found out i was pregnant with third child so have no more time to do it.
really easy to use and has no problems i would love to keep it but just to leave it sat there tilll i have more time when someone else can use it i would sooner sell it then when the baby gets a bit older i will get another one
good luck with your business amy
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
I couldn't find it....is it still there?
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
still there item number is 200500070308
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
i have a janome mb4 on ebay check it out
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
I will look...I let one go around Mother's Day that ended up selliing for $1700 and have been kicking myself ever since...:) How many embroidery hours are on it? Did you like the machine?
Re: Starting an embroidery business, need embroidery machine, li
hei janet,
I have a number of toyota industrials for sale complete with pc, for $2500 EACH .
they are older machines but run well.
Im an embroidery machine technician and have serviced all my machines, im based in calgary canada.
my wife has family from monroe louisana.