Wanting to start small home-based embroidery services..HELP

Hi All
I have recently started selling hair accessories (bows, flowers.etc.) to many people in my area and have started making decent money doing so. Many people are asking me about doing embroidery for mainly baby/toddler items such as hairbows and diaper bags. For this reason, I am considering buying an embroidery machine to try. As a new mom myself, I'm not wanting to spend a whole lot on a machine. I have tried to browse the web and look for all the answers, but as I know nothing about this topic yet, a lot of the terms I can't understand. I guess what I'm asking for is a plain and simple, what machine should I get??? Thanks for any help!!

United States
Robert Young's picture

NONE, come up with your products and what services you will offer...sell sell sell them.. and until it makes absolute sense to actually buy a machine sub out all the digitizing and embroidery. Yours is a niche market, your margins should be enough to allow you to do this. Then , when you can show that you have enough work to keep a machine busy... meaning enough to hire an operator to run it nearly full time, then and only then put out the money to buy one.

Think about it, for every hour YOU are running the machine that is an hour that you either are not selling or and hour you are not spending with friends and family. I am assuming the objective is to make money, not work yourself to death for less than minimum wage and not have a life?

Modern Embroidery Designer