Help with heat transfer vinyl numbers on jerseys

Hi, I just did an order of football jerseys for a youth group. They purchased the jerseys and brought them to me to number and put names on. I used ink for 100%nylon jerseys with the additve so it would adhere correctly. I used ThermoGrip vinyl for 100% nylon fabric and used the manufacturers settings. (This is not my first time doing this) The customer picked the order up just as I finished and was boxing them up. They called me and said the vinyl was coming off the shirts as they pulled them out of the box. I was mortified. Never had this problem before. I talked to the supplier where I purchased the vinyl, and they said some of the foreign made jerseys have so much dye in them that it can actually eat the glue from the letters! So my question is what do I do? The customer said she is bringing them back for me to do right. HELP any advice???Thank you.

Sorry you are having this problem, but we have verified that is a problem with some jerseys. We would try another vinyl, stahls makes some great stuff that seems to hold very well.

In the future I would recommend having your numbers silk screened instead of vinyl.

Sorry I could not be more help.


Sorry to hear about your predicament. This is a big reason that I do not guarantee items that the customer provides. Additionally if you do items on customer supplied items I would recommend that you have the person provide several extra items that you can apply your decorations to and wash them several times to check out the durability.

In your situation at this point I would use one of the jerseys as a test as follows:

1) Attempt to completely remove the number from the jersey.

2) Wash and dry the jersey 3 times according to the wash/dry directions then re-apply the number to the jersey.

3) Wait at least 24 hours for the adhesives to completely cure then wash and dry an additional 3 times to check the durability.

Doing this will 1; remove excess dye and sizing from the garment that could be effecting the adhesion of the glue. 2; allow you to verify that you are getting good adhesion on a sample prior to running them all over again.

I would also run a test on your heat press to insure that you are getting the proper temperature, if you press is cool you will not get good adhesion.

Try some ThermoFlex Xtra sometime down the road, we use this for all nylon & synthetics and have never had a problem with any adhesion, even on leather.