What happened to Javelin??

I traced out an electrical problem on a Javelin Automatic textile printer for a customer last night. He has no manuals and no schematics so I was forced to go wire to wire until I located the problem.
He said Javelin's 800 number is no longer in use. The tech can't be reached either in Mt. Juliet, TN. Does anyone have any regarding Javelin? I would like to find the manuals as well.

garagewear's picture

Monty Bartel was the tech out of Tennessee. He has gone back into printing and is not servicing machines anymore. Contact Workhorse Products http://www.workhorseproducts.com or use the Tuf link RWB gave you above. The Tuf link has all of the documentation that you can get at this time. There are also some links and such on Performance Screens http://www.workhorseautomatics.com .

If you call Workhorse ask for Phil Ritz or you can email him directly at pritz@workhorseproducts.com