By dragonmcp on
Sep. 10, 2010
I was just starting a job on my compact machine. Had stitched maybe 6 stitches and went to stop it because I needed to manually trim a long thread at the start. I think I accidentally hit 'start' rather than 'stop'. Machine ground to a halt and started flashing the error 100 msg. I can normally clear this by turning the wheel at the back to the 100 postion. However, today, it is completely frozen. It won't turn in either direction. I've tried turning the machine on and off - nothing helps. Have an important job to finish today and don't know what to try next. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks!
Re: SWF 601C encoder(?) stuck - HELP! please
turn off the machine and rotate shaft with hand at 100
look if the moving knife is correct position
buy from SWF repair DVD to fix your self the machine