Complete M&R Starter Shop

United States

1994 Gauntlet S (2 sets of pallets) Air Locks Front and Rear Micro, 1990 48" MaxiCure (new radiant panels and belt), Caps 6 color manual w/micro and flash, Caps 4 color hat press w/micro and flash, Caps exposure unit, Caps Sure Cure shirt and hat dryer, Hix transfer machine, Themoset automatic transfer machine, frames, ink etc.. $19,900 FOB SC. Compressor available if needed.

Seritech Inc.

There are 12 Comments

The below information was posted on discussion on "How to Improve the Forum" Thanks to "inkman996". After a day of negatives I think it's only fair I get to a postive post in a couple of my listings.

inkman996 [offline]
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 3

Re: What changes do you want to see happen to this site?


I am appaled site admin where are you?

Turk (RWB) has attacked every single thread by danlilsade today every one, all day!

He doesnt even know this man, a person that I know to be an honest and respectable broker in this industry. WTF

People dont see this and still support RWB?

You cant make this **** up you just cant.

This is for Preston, you are aligning yourself with a bad bad dude, he will use you and drop you.

This site has gone to hell when an honest broker has to have every classified post he makes attacked by another sad so sad.

Seritech Inc.

Thanks for the kind words. We have a great forum here. It has made connecting sellers and buyers much easier than it was 5 years ago.

I also think it keeps people honest and helps determine the value of a piece of used machinery. The old posts are great tool for setting the prices on some of more obscure pieces of machinery, and keeping people honest on the more active pieces.

I hope we can do business some day.


Seritech Inc.