Auto for printing waterbase

I print exclusively using waterbased ink and am looking to get my first auto. I currently have a Vastex V2000 8 color. I'd like to have an auto that can also handle 8 colors, but it seems tough since I need to flash between almost all of them. Any knowledge or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all the advice! I'd been keeping my eyes out for used javelins for exactly that reason. I guess I'm just curious if anybody has used the flashbacks in that manner. If so, how much does it slow down the production speed of the press, and does that much constant flashing warp the pallets? I know they are quartz flashes and have cool downs. It just seems like the pallets would constantly be under heat.

Mike, I've also been meaning to test out Gen IV. I have a few sample quarts they sent me, but I just haven't gotten around to trying it out. I remember seeing a promo video a long time ago that showed that ink printing light on dark on an auto, and I think they were doing wet on wet.

Thanks so much. That is really useful info! I don't need it to be able to do the 70 doz an hour their spec sheets say they print since my dryer couldn't keep up. Getting at least 5 colors with 2 flashbacks is a good start though.

thank you,
those videos are supppper old. since then i have been doing more and more experimenting with wb adn discharge in doign some cool things.. hopefully i can get some new vids up... if anyone has any specific ??'s on WB feel free to contact me.. i do not mind helping out at all.

one thing that has helped me out a ton is when i switched my mesh to Murikami's smart mesh.. works amazing for WB and Discharge printing.

I use a lot of opaque waterbase ink for printing on darks. It is thicker and tacks to the screens after a few prints if you don't flash it. I haven't had much luck doing wet on wet without it getting muddy. Though if you have experience doing so on an auto, I'm all ears.

dude, ALLL i print is waterbase.. you DO NOT need to flash inbetween every color.. for darks use discharge.. on lights use your reg waterbase.. I can honestly say I use my flash 1 or 2 times a month. I have a 7 color Diamondback. has the forward flood mode to keep my screens flooded. works great.. any press that has that feature and nice parallel pallets and some tight screens can print wb fine!
now curing is another story... one word GAS!!

best of luck

ScreenMonkey wrote:
Excellent advice PatFinn, could you post a few videos of your machine printing, I think it would be helpful for people to see sgueegee angle, pressure, speed, etc.

I've seen their videos on their site, they do some really nice water based work with their set up. I'm working on that Heatwave dryer after seeing their success that they have had with theirs. Check out their website for their production videos, some cool work for sure.