Is This The Business For Me?

Hey ya'll, this i guess is a typical first thread.... My wife and I want to start a business. We are on ground level of the though process. We believe there is a need in our community and surrounding community. I coached football @ the HS level for 11 years and have been in the oil business for 5. I spend too much time away from home but make a great income. My wife and i want to be together in this and feel it will be good. We feel screen printing will be an easy start up and are confident there is a need. What do you think. Advice?


My wife and I are/were in the same boat as you and your wife - right down to the home based embroidery setup. We are only about a month into production but we researched for about 6 months prior. If you want to PM me your number I'd be more than happy to discuss the last 7 months with you. Not that I can be a huge help but I may be able to save you some steps and time. If not, the most important thing I can say has already been said - make sure you or your wife is a great salesman. I've managed $60m companies but I suck at sales. My wife could sell snow to an Eskimo. She's also pretty hot so that doesn't hurt either. :p

Good luck!

Binkspot's picture

We were in the same position. I traveled alot in the marine business and was missing out on everything. My wife did embroidery in our basement and thought screen printing was a natural step. We started printing shirts and after several years, some hard work and long days I left the the marine world and went full time into screen printing. By no means was it easy but very glad we did it. There was a bit of a learning curve but we are now an established business. We also found it's best not to work to many hrs with your spouse!

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Northland wrote:
I'm going to suggest you consider how proficent a salesman you are (or can become).
In my area, you need to be 2 parts salesman and 1 part printer.

I think that will come natural but challenge as always...where do i need to start and how long will it take to learn the manual part of how to do it.??