By lmoore on
Nov. 02, 2010
I'm in a position to get an Melco emc 1 and the seller indicated it needs a new motherboard, will run off PC. I can't seem to locate a motherboard, maybe get it repaired?? not sure, don't want to put a whole lot into this. Stupid question, I know, but will this machine actually run with just PC? thanks for any help.
Re: question about motherboard
I just had to connect to my PC for the first time ever in 23 years because the reader
quit working. It is much cheaper to connect to the PC than getting a new mother board.
The tech just told me the cost could be a couple thousand.
Lets hope there is nothing else wrong with the machine other than downloading designs.
If it is you might have to buy the board. And remember you never get NEW BOARDS. And
you will always have to worry will the replacement break down again.
You might be getting a great price but cover all the bases and know what you are getting into...
Go for it . But I would call Melco and ask questions first.
Re: question about motherboard
Sound more like you need the data card rather than the motherboard. there are three cards in the emc series of machine. Main board "Backplane" which the other two connect into, the 4 axis driver power controll board (lack of a better word "Bridge") board and the CPU power control "data" board which connects the emc to the computer. a new data board runs around $950, a rebuilt/remanufactered from Melco is around $400.
if the machine turns on an accepts a design then it should be okay.
keep in mind that the longer you go without replacement/repair the more it will cost in the future as these boards are hard to come by.
this links is for the technical manual on the emc 1
here is a link to all the emc manuals