Entire shop for sale in San Jose CA

United States

I have an entire shop for sale. The shop is located in San Jose California.
The business has been around for 25 years. This is a turn key setup which I have everything you need to start up.
Price is 10k for everything.
Everything is cleaned down and looks like new.

Rototex 6 Station Manual Press # 16206
M&R Blue Max 4 Color Manual Press
Americana Phoenix Turbo 30 " Dryer 10' Feet Serial C700213
National Exposure Unit 28 X 44 Serial 1162
Flash Cure 18 X 22 Model BF2-2200S
4 Station Cap Printer Serial 40103 41 hat screens

Union Ink
Newman Screens 25
Wood Screens 70
Aluminum Screens 17

Call me at 408-887-2500 or email me at Chreespy@gmail.com and I will send you picture and a list of everything to the deal.
Serious inquiry only please. If you want to piece it out let me know.
