Full Shop Screen Printing Equipment Must Go!

United States

Can’t beat this deal!! Please read…

We currently have a full manual start-up shop that we need to get rid of in the next few days. The equipment is under lease and was manufactured by workhorse products. We are looking for someone to transfer the lease into their name. The lease was acquired exactly 24 months ago. There are 24 months left on the lease. The equipment was only used for 6 months. Basically you would be getting almost new equipment for half price. The equipment works absolutely great. Our company is about to file bankruptcy so we need to liquidate this lease now! The equipment is located about 40 minutes north of Baltimore. Here's what you get...

6/6 manual press ($4400)
4/4 manual press ($3000)
11 foot dryer ($5850)
photosharp exposure unit ($4000)
2 manual flash unit ($750 each =$1500)
heat press for t-shirt transfers ($850)
spot cleaning gun ($125)
polypropylene dip tank ($215)
mini-temp temperature gun ($99)
wash-out booth ($925)
Pressure wash system ($750) also….
Hand-made screen dryers ($2500)
any blanks, squeegees, accessories we still have (value in the thousands).

Value of equipment is in the $25,000-$27,000 range...Get it for so much less!

email for lease details and refinance options... jwsimoninc@gmail.com

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