We are selling an amazing set up! Total value is more than $35,000!
**Versicamm VP540 all in one Printer-cutter w/ ink $21,000+ value
**Royal Soverign RSC-1650C Laminator-masker $7,000+ value
**Many different materials and material racks for Printer & Laminator $1,500+ value
**HP intel Pentium Duel Core with 3gb plus keyboard and monitor $1,000+ value
**Software on computer includes.. $4,000+ value
*FlexiPrint $ Cut 8.5v1
*Roland VersaWorks
*PhotoZoom Pro2
*Adobe Photoshop
*Adobe Illustrator
This is all you would need because EVERYTHING is included! It is very lightly used and in GREAT condition!
We are asking $20,000 obo
Call for any questions and if you want to come and check everything out.
Can print samples as well.
Call 949.500.0742