By embrobud on
Jan. 11, 2011
I recently purchased a 1994 Toyota 830ESP. When I connect the cable from machine to PC I get a message…RS232C Connection Error. 25pin to 9pin cable… 9pin converts to USB. What are my options to fixing this problem? Can anyone help? I was told it may be the circuit board, but everything works from the control pad I.E. move the head, move the hoop, etc…Thanks a Bunch
Re: embro
You may not have the settings properly setup.
Boudrate? (data speed for RS232)
You may also need to make sure to clear all the designs from the machines memory cause once its full it wont accept anymore and give you that error.
Last but not least, try different USB to RS232 converter.
Hope this helps.
Re: embro
Thanks all for your replies, I will try each suggestion and double check everything. I took my PC to a tech so he could install a dedicated COMPort. I still get the error message but I will try your ideas next. Can anyone verify that if I purchase that USB Reader device that this will solve my problem? I know I can only sends designs by USB stick and not direct to my 830. Thanks All
Re: embro
which software are you using to transfer the designs?
Wilcom is picky about what the settings need to be. Also, I found that I needed to turn on the computer, then turn on the embroidery machine, then connect them then launch the software. I had to do it in this order or I would get that error code. Also, make sure that each time you connect the computer, you use the same usb slot.
Re: embro
Thanks for your input. I am running Stitch Era Liberty.
Re: embro
I ran into that problem with my 850, I had to try four different usb converters before I got one that worked. Also, make sure that you have the same settings in your transfer software as you do in your port settings.