small text


What would be some recommended setting for .2" text. Any help with SPM, stitch length, pull comp. ect would be appreciated. Getting thread breaks on stitch out often using the following settings.

Stitch length=38pts
Pull Comp=110%
Short stitch on
Centerwalk Underlay

Small lettering will look good initially with solvy under it but once it washes out it may look like doo doo! For this reason it is IMPORTANT to getting it correct from the get go. Digitize small lettering correctly without solvy before production. Solvy gives false expectations.:(


Thanks I will give this a try. I ordered the smaller needles today so hopefully this will help. Thanks again.

I don't know what your density is set to but with small lettering you need to decrease your density. In my experience decrease it by @ 1/5th to 1/4th and test. Also I don't use any pull comp with small lettering at all. Don't use any serif letters or fonts block only. Use only 1 line of centered underlay if you use any at all and use the smallest needle you have. I successfully use 65/9 needles with 40 wt thread but you can also use 60 wt thread which is ideal for small lettering.

If you do a lot of small lettering you may consider getting the Madeira 60 weight thread in the colors you do your lettering and set up your machine with that thread and a 65/9 needle on one of your needles.

One other point, small lettering doesn't work well at all with very loose weave fabrics such as fleece, knits, some piques and similar weaves. Test all small lettering on the fabric you will have the final product on. :cool: