By GNS on
Jan. 19, 2011
We have recently purchased an embroidery business from a friend who passed away. We bought a Barudan model BENT but need training on how to get it up and running. Any suggestions on in-home training?
Re: Training help for Barudan machine
Where are you located?
Re: Training help for Barudan machine
We are in Lowell, Michigan (outside of Grand Rapids)
Re: Training help for Barudan machine
Thank you! We did contact them to see if they had any training videos but no luck. We were hoping to get some hands on training in our home if possible but we may need to go to barudan in Ohio for training.
Re: Training help for Barudan machine
You would best best to contact Baurdan of America directly. they should be able to point you in the right direction.