I would like to express my Thanks to the Moderator for viewing the two threads on "Software For Sale".
I will state here and now that I am very leery of individuals that post multitudes of software titles for sale and that I for one feel that they are selling ILLEGAL & PIRATED SOFTWARE!!!
As all here can attest, Most Legitimate Software in use by us REQUIRES the use of a Security Key know by most as a Dongle. Without this device the software will not run. If it does it is more than likely ILLEGAL. If you use Illegal software in your business you stand the chance of being found and you will at the minimum loose your business and equipment.
We as a group need to remember to assist our moderators in policing this forum and let them know if something FISHY has been posted.
Just my rant and Thanks to the site! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: