By AnatolWeb on
Feb. 01, 2011
We started taking signups on our site for an upcoming newsletter:
And be sure to join ourAnatol Facebook and Anatol Twitter accounts.
You won't be disappointed!
-Anatol Web Development Team- Screen Printing Equipment
Official Anatol Twitter
Official Anatol Facebook Page
Re: Stay up to date with Anatol on Facebook, Twitter and a Newsl
Thanks for the support! We're being as active in the social media communities as we possibly can.
-Anatol Web Development Team- Screen Printing Equipment
Official Anatol Twitter
Official Anatol Facebook Page
Re: Stay up to date with Anatol on Facebook, Twitter and a Newsl
Had to jump on the train and start a Facebook page for my shop, Anatol was our first "like". We will check back regularly!
Streeter Clow
Printhouse Graphics
Mansfield, Ohio