By grafixhenk on
Feb. 11, 2011
United States
Up for sale is a very nice DTG Kiosk II with the new WIMS II system.
The printer is in very good and working order and included is the following:
Printer with wims2 system
Power rip pro
2 adult plattens
1 youth platten
1 sleeve platten.
2 almost full 500 ml bottles of white
2 bottles of magenta
2 yellow
2 cyan
2 black Pretreatment for dark, poly and non textile
cleaning solution
extra new cables, dampers and filters
manual and some other misc.
Selling the printer shipping and crating included for only $4995
Call 918-813-0292
There is 1 Comment
Re: DTG Kiosk II with WIMS II Free Crating and Shipping
Hi, Is this printer still for sale? and would you ship to the UK?