By noboundary on
Mar. 09, 2011
Hi all,
I am new here and new to printing...
Screening on Polypropylene tote bags...what ink to use?
(we are doing only one color)
Thanks in advance,
Re: Printing on to use?
Thanks for the great answers!
Can I use a heat gun for the cure?
How much detail can I get with 156 mesh?
Thanks again...This has turned into a much bigger project than I expected...
but I am loving every minute of it!!!
Re: Printing on to use?
Standard plastisol will work just add thickener powder if your running color on a dark or polywhite (may need to add powder) 110-160 mesh. watch your heat if your using electric dryer you want to adjust the heat and speed to be able to dry to the touch. Those bags won't be able to get hotter than 220 as they will start to shrink.