Digitizing Here In U.s.a.

I am a United States NAVY Veteran, Proud American and a freelance digitizer with 16 years full time experience, I use tajima DG/ML by Pulse designer edition....actually worked for Lands' End as one of their first digitizers 16 years ago...and helped in the testing process of creating this software with the Pulse programmers out of Canada when it was first developed. I am looking for some more work...and it is done right here in the good old U.S.A. ,by me and only me... so communication is great....send me an email if you would be interested in using my services .... or call 608-943-8205 or 608-778-1215 8:00am-8:00pm central time and please leave message if I am unavailable and I will get back to you ASAP...

Pricing is $1.50 per 1,000 stitches/ give or take
prices are negotiable....mostly based on difficulty/ease of design vs. stitch count
NO hidden costs..when I say it will cost this amount, that's what it will cost..
Free Resizing/editing (ex: date/name change) L. chest logo
1-3 day turnaround depending on workload @ time....It is ONLY me doing the digitizing..
(speed = lack of quality, attention to detail = QUALITY)
secure payment through PAYPAL

Thanks for your time,

Brent Burghy

United States

just another bump on this post.......it's been quite awhile.....always looking for new clients and again, a big thank you to the ones who have used my services in the past.......I hope everyone has a great summer.......thank you again for your time.

B. Burghy

6t5ive's picture

Brent is a great guy to work with! I tried his services out based off this site and will use him in the future. His design skills show the years experience and even took the extra time to manipulate the logo as many times as needed and help out due to my machine limitations.

Turnaround time was outstanding too! You wont be disappointed!

just another bump on this post.......it's been a few months.....lol....always looking for new clients and again, a big thank you to the ones who have used my services in the past.......hope everyone had a great summer....now to the cold that is blowing in here in the great state of Wisconsin....take care

B. Burghy

are you SERIOUS "Quality Digitizers"......you are going into my PERSONAL post that i am trying to promote MY business in and posting your SH#$ .......wow, i guess that just goes to show you what kind of people you really are.......everyone please take note of that........

Start your own damn thread for YOUR business.....thats what this forum category is for, not to bomb someone elses thread....

Burghy Embroidery Digitizing

Will your first design be free?

Do you charge to change a left chest to a hat?

What's the maximum size before you consider a design a jacket back or full chest?

Do you have a set price for jacket back or full chest.

What about full chest outline designs?


just another bump on this post.......it's been quite awhile.....always looking for new clients and again, a big thank you to the ones who have used my services in the past.......I hope everyone has a great summer.......thank you again for your time.

B. Burghy

NOPE....can't match those prices......i live in the United States of America.....my time is worth something...Sorry.....like i have said in my previous posts......size/stitch count of the logo is irrelevant to me.....it is the difficulty of the logo/time invested to punch the logo....I have done many 25,000 stitch logos that have taken me 2 1/2 to 3 hours (state/county seals for example).....are you working for $3.33 an hour....I don't think so....well neither am I ..this is what I offer

a) timely turnaround
b) VERY FAIR pricing
c) GREAT English communication
d) revisions free of charge
e) basic resizing free of charge
f) knowing an American citizen is getting put to work
and work not being shipped overseas.
g) working with a man who takes deep pride in his work.

thanks for your time....
Brent Burghy

just another bump on this post.......it's been quite awhile.....always looking for new clients and again, a big thank you to the ones who have used my services in the past.......I hope everyone has a great summer.......thank you again for your time.

B. Burghy

yes it is.....and i am VERY sorry i have not responded sooner.......i need to look at this forum more often.......please email me @ bburghy@mhtc.net or call 608-943-8205 with any questions......once again i apologize for the late response .......

Just wanted to chime in- we have started using Brent (harleydude777) for a few weeks now.

His work is superb, turnaround has been less than twentyfour hours and most importantly his customer service/communication has been top notch.

His years of experience has not gone to waste- his work is outstanding and pricing is very resonable. This dude knows his stuff! He has been a pleasure to work with-

-Sandy Davis
Albatross Recycled Sail Co.

just to clarify on this old post.........cost per design is based on difficulty not per stitch count....... please feel free to contact me for a free quote on your project

Burghy Embroidery Designs
Brent Burghy
[email address]

Right now We are Expanding In Europe,Australia and many other Continents

We have Started Offering 30 + Digitizing Formats

Hire 50+ Digitizers and over 80 Total Vector Artists

Now you can Get all your jobs done in under 2 to 4 hours time





Quality Digitizers is the biggest digitizing Company

please send your jobs to Digitize@qualitydigitizers.com

just another bump on this post.......it's been quite awhile.....always looking for new clients and again, a big thank you to the ones who have used my services in the past....

B. Burghy

Thanks Sandy.....it has been a pleasure working with you, and hope to have many more years of a great business relationship...glad you are happy...


Hi all,
Just re-read my last post and not sure if it came off a little on the negative side....did not mean for it to.....I was just making it clear that it is very tough to compete with the overseas prices on digitizing.....I really do give a great,fair price on all logos, great communication throughout the entire process, great turnaround, and I take great pride in the work I do....It's not just another logo to me......It is a walking billboard as far as I'm concerned.....thanks for your time, I still need plenty of work......so if you are looking for a great "made in the USA" digitizer please email me at bburghy@mhtc.net for a free quote.

harleydude777 wrote:

a) timely turnaround
b) VERY FAIR pricing
c) GREAT English communication
d) revisions free of charge
e) basic resizing free of charge
f) knowing an American citizen is getting put to work
and work not being shipped overseas.
g) working with a man who takes deep pride in his work.

thanks for your time....
Brent Burghy

EXACTLY! I have used Brent and I've been very pleased with him. He's truly a pleasure to work with and his turn around time is AWESOME. I've called him several times and he's always been helpful and a pleasure to talk to.

I won't say much about OTHER digitizers but I will say this... I "interviewed" a few. I just sent the same PM to them:

I got a pretty simple job that I need to get done and I'd like to give you a try.

What format would you like it in. I can give you AI, PSD or whatever.

Another quick follow up question. With this order he has mostly shirts but wants to do a couple hats. On the hats he just wants to drop the name of the company from underneath the logo and just increase the size of the logo.

It's basically like this:

B.F. Pool Service

And he wants to drop the "B.F. Pool Service" and just enlarge his BF (the B is technically backwards).

Would this be an additional job or would this be something that could be done as "one job"?

Brent was the only one that actually addressed the questions and even gave me MORE info then I was asking. One of the others just replied with... and I QUOTE:
"These are 2 jobs"

That was it. Didn't answer any other questions... even though he was offering "free" first time service I didn't even respond again to him. I went straight to Brent who of course did not charge me for the second logo and even tweaked it beyond that as the client and I had miscommunication and he wanted it all on there just different proportions. Brent took care of it and then took care of it some more!

I'm all for anyone trying to work... but I want to be treated like a human and not just a job. Lets make sure we continue to employ people that care and can communicate in that manner.


"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan, i never received your PM, try me and i assure best services

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

You asked for it dude...

gnizitigid wrote:
Gilligan wrote:
I got a pretty simple job that I need to get done and I'd like to give you a try.

What format would you like it in. I can give you AI, PSD or whatever.

Another quick follow up question. With this order he has mostly shirts but wants to do a couple hats. On the hats he just wants to drop the name of the company from underneath the logo and just increase the size of the logo.

It's basically like this:

B.F. Pool Service

And he wants to drop the "B.F. Pool Service" and just enlarge his BF (the B is technically backwards).

Would this be an additional job or would this be something that could be done as "one job"?

These are 2 jobs

YOU were the guy I was referring to. I would NEVER do business with someone that either doesn't have enough understanding of the english language to get me my simple answers or just doesn't care to answer those simple questions.

I'm certainly not one of those rednecks that say "this is america, speak english" because in it's nature that statement is retarded. BUT, in this business... I do need to be able to make sure I can communicate clearly and concisely with my digitizer.

Brent can do that... you obviously couldn't even come close.

Again, never wanted to call anyone out by name... if your approach was working for you in the past then I wasn't gonna stop you... but I feel you crossed the line... besides do you even live in the united states? I don't believe you do which means you are thread jacking and spamming in Brents thread. At least the other digitizers were on topic and one could only fault Brent for not making this HIS sales thread but a US sales thread. :)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan wrote:
if your approach was working for you in the past then I wasn't gonna stop you... but I feel you crossed the line... besides do you even live in the united states? I don't believe you do which means you are thread jacking and spamming in Brents thread. At least the other digitizers were on topic and one could only fault Brent for not making this HIS sales thread but a US sales thread. :)

With all due respect, you compared the two of them in this U.S. thread that you are now bashing him for posting in. I think everyone can understand that you weren't satisfied with his communication without attacking him.

I do enjoy reading all the reviews from different users though. It is good to see real world constructive feedback that helps others choose the right digitizer for them. Unfortunately when they turn into attacks it tends to discount the review all together.

Gilligan wrote:

Brent can do that... you obviously couldn't even come close.

Do we have another (Spider-Machines) in form of Gilligan doing personal attacks......i do not like these personal attacks...

Please no personal attacks.....use these type of comments in your used machines section for which you are popular with your other friends...

megrisoft wrote:
Do we have another (Spider-Machines) in form of Gilligan doing personal attacks......i do not like these personal attacks...

Please no personal attacks.....use these type of comments in your used machines section for which you are popular with your other friends...

Exactly my thoughts and what I was trying to say. Thanks for posting so I know I wasn't the only one.

I doubt Brent will mind me posting his response to the same PM:

harleydude777 wrote:
Hey Kevin,

first off...thanks for giving me a try....if you could send the image to me in a .JPG or .BMP format that would be great. and absolutely not would I charge you to make a simple change like you have described..... hope to hear from you soon and again please email the image to bburghy@mhtc.net .....and if you could also send the following info with the logo that would be great....thanks Kevin

1) phone # to contact you for questions

2) size you would like the logo

3) any color changes other then the obvious on the logo

4) and if image is in black & white please break down colors.

getting to know your customer/digitizer along with communication are the big things I think you need for a good working relationship. over time you both understand the information that you both need in order to get the job done .......again , thanks Kevin

Brent Burghy

Wow... World of difference.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Understood. Though, I wasn't comparing HIM... I was comparing Brent to others that I had interviewed. The ONLY thing I said, which was completely annonymous was

One of the others just replied with... and I QUOTE:
"These are 2 jobs"

Now then he turns around and post in here which I do believe is unethical if he is not in the US, and suggest that I never used him and tries to STEAL a client away from Brent. A client that just gave a positive review. That is yet another dubious move in itself.

This is without even touching on the fact that I posted up a quote of my original PM to him and essentially a direct quote of his response and he said "you never contacted me, try me" Actually I did, and his response was sub-par. It is a lot like when a telemarketer calls my house, I have a french last name that is always pronounced incorrectly because of it's spelling. I don't fault anyone for that... but when you are trying to sell me something and I correct you on the pronunciation and you roll right into your sales pitch with "oh, OK.. Mr. what I'm calling about is..." Well... guess who doesn't get the sell even if it was for a bottle of water and I was in the dessert. ;)

I'll find someone who cares enough to get it right.

If you are happy with his service then by all means, use him. But don't attack me when I just lay out the facts for others to decide.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan wrote:

If you are happy with his service then by all means, use him. But don't attack me when I just lay out the facts for others to decide.

Easy there. I think everyone can see that I was respectful to you and merely stating an opinion of how your review went nasty. Just calm down a bit huh? couple of deep breaths? BTW, I have used them both but that wasn't what my post was about. I was merely laying out the facts for others to decide.

Oh, sorry... let me preface it with "with all due respect" and then it's a respectful post. That is how you did it.

You weren't really respectful in the fact that you twisted my words and tried to discredit my review.

You had no reason to respond to my post if was obvious enough that I was apparently being rude.

I simply gave a complete factual account of what transpired and why I did not use his service. You can't tell me that trying to steal a satisfied client right out in the open isn't a sketchy move at best. I mean, if you are happy with his service to the point of defending him because I laid out some facts and my opinion about them then I'd think you would surely understand why I might defend Brent against someone that would do something as "bold" as Steve did.

Sorry if I offended your sensibilities. I just have respect for my competitors and I expect the same from others. We all have to "steal" work at times... but I'd never go in my buddies parking lot and try to take his customers. In fact if I ever spoke with someone about doing shirts for them and they mentioned they were using one of the shops I'm friends with then that would be the end of the conversation. This has happened with my computer business a couple of times. Now if someone is not happy with someone's service and SEEKS me out, then that is fair game, but I won't solicit.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Again, you miss the point, lol.

Anywho, back on topic, I have also used Brent and his communication is top notch and his turnaround time was quick for jobs I submitted during the workweek (only time I submitted). Again communication was above and beyond. The only thing negative I can say is it is hard for me to quote customers a digitizing price without flat rate pricing unless I just overly inflate those costs to the customer. I understand though that for him some logos take more of his time and some take less.

One of the things Brent does is push back on things that can't be done with quality. For instance some digitizers will just digitize exactly what you send them and if you aren't familiar enough to tell them what to eliminate you may end up with sub-par results. Brent will let you know what will work well as far as sizing and let you know what won't come out well or what needs to be eliminated.

I guess it is just a pet peve of mine when people HAVE spoken with you and don't remember then to top it off with the attempt to steal a client and it didn't sit well with me. I assume most would understand.

One of the things Brent does is push back on things that can't be done with quality. For instance some digitizers will just digitize exactly what you send them and if you aren't familiar enough to tell them what to eliminate you may end up with sub-par results. Brent will let you know what will work well as far as sizing and let you know what won't come out well or what needs to be eliminated.

That's a good point, I'm new to this business and he has helped in that regard more than I realize I suspect. I was at a buddies shop the other day and he outsources his digitizing to england (or so they say, as they don't SOUND english). Anyway, he was having some problems sewing out a design and it looked like it was just to fine of some lines... lots of run stitches that were just burying in. All I could think is that Brent probably wouldn't have let me do it like this and it doesn't seem like they care. They just did whatever they sent them vs talking about the potential problems with them.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

That is very important when you are just starting and may not know how things will turn out based on what you submit.

Just gave Brent a call (today is Saturday) with a last minute tweak for an important job for me. This is a logo he punched out over a week ago. He dropped everything he was doing and made the changes I needed and sent me the file right over. Less than 30 mins and the file was in my inbox.

Brent is a BEAST.

I'd actually say he works TOO hard to make us happy! :)

Brent, I will be sending you a gift in the next week or so... just getting setup to do a very unique product and I will send you and your wife one. Email me your physical address so I can get them to you as soon as they are done.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Again, thanks for all the kind words Kevin.....look forward to doing more logos with you....I also wanted to give this thread a little bump....hope no one minds.....still looking for work, so please take me into consideration when looking for a digitizer to complete your next digitizing job.

Thanks again,

wanted to give this thread a little bump....hope no one minds.....still looking for work, so please take me into consideration when looking for a digitizer to complete your next digitizing job.

Thanks again,

IMO, forums such as this are for information, and information includes pushing your services to offer others.

One poster did say this site was for professionals and not the small operators, and to that one, I sent a message, telling him where he could take his opinion. Thats my opinoin, like it or not.

To me, advertising here would be to sell 100 t shirts for $40 bucks. I don't look at digitizing services as advertising,,,as we rate digitizers here and there's no problems. Let them price their services.
If they're good, they'll get good reviews, good feedback, and people will talk about them. They'll continue to put their name out there, as they do a good job.

If they're bad, or bad service, they'll hear about it here, and they won't post any longer as it will do them no good.

I've not problem with anyone pushing their skills, including price, and bumping the thread.

For some things, we need that bump, as some good threads get lost in the midst of the trash.

Thanks nametags.......I thought that was somewhat rude of Powerstitch....he can push his business, but does not want to see anyone else push theirs? I'm just one of the little guys/me alone, trying to get my name out there, that's all.....and appreciate anyone that has givin me a shot @ showing them what I can do. Thanks all......

Im pushing my business??? where???

Ive not bumped a thread looking for work!!!

Agreed let others give their opinions about their digitizers but bumping a thread looking for work is not the way to go. Someone looking for a digitizer will do a search and read the threads.

All digitizers here are looking for work so should we all start a thread each and keep bumping them every few days??

If thats fine can I start my own thread now?

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

To be fair... Brent bumps his thread MAYBE once a week at best. That is pretty fair. VS some of these guys that spam on EVERY post on EVERY section of this forum.

Brent has ONE thread.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

AND THANKS GILLIGAN.....for all the support.....and supporting the "little guys" like me...it's me and only me.......not some digitizing house full of punchers......

Not trying to answer for Brent but I've never had to wait more than a couple of hours. DEFINITELY under 24 hour turn around. I once called him on the weekend for a minor change and he accommodated me almost INSTANTLY!

Truly one of the good ones.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

srimonogramming's picture

Since we've moved digitizing to an outside source, we've used many different companies, large and small, and even individual freelance guys and gals and I'm currently looking for someone better than the cast we are currently using. Our sales staff is free to use whoever they want and I'll be giving them Brent's contact info and a quick rundown on all of the great reviews he's received and hopefully they'll take the advice of many of you who have used Brent. We have 72 heads, all Tajima so this could be a good fit with Brent and his experience.

One of the best things about Brent is that he is a good American hard working man.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
