10 hp Rotary Screw Compressor

United States

I have an Eaton 10 hp rotary screw Air compressor with air chiller and 120 gallon tank in Mint condition it has around 50 hrs run time that's brand new it's all digital and self dianostic and computer controled settings etc.. its great. If your not familar with rotary screw vs the old style do a little research . This compressor is very quite you can hold a normal level conversation standing next to it no problem and the operational life is twice that of a none rotary type compressor. Its a must if you work near your air source as I did. Its the only way to go I no longer screenprint in house so it just sits . Great deal if your looking for a compressor. :) I had to special order it as single phase 220 not 3 phase power which is not available in most places so you then must run a phase converter which cost an additional 1,200=2,000 to setup
price is $5,000. firm
Thanks, Eric
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