By dd2 on
Apr. 27, 2011
United States
I live in Central Florida, looking for a used Riley Hopkins 6/4 manual press or an equal model. Willing to pick up locally if within a days drive.
Please contact me at
There are 7 Comments
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
I have one but im on the wrong coast.
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
How do you like it?
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
I like it but if I had to do it all over again i would get the Micros instead of the joystick registration.
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
I started out with the 4/1silver press last October and the orders are getting bigger, this hobby turned into a business requiring a production press. Is Clovis where the frog jumping contest us held?
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
Not to be a bother, but aside from this forum and the t-shirt forum, any suggestions on where I might find a good 6/4? Thanks in advance for any help.
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
I am not sure on the frog thing lol. I actually started on a 4/1 silver press and eventually found a whole shop package on Ebay. I am debating on whether to get a higher quality manual or a small auto. Craigslist is a good place to find things at times as well.
Re: WTB Used Riley Hopkins 6/4
The frog jumping contest is held in Angel's Camp, Calaveras county