I'm in the Centennial/Aurora area of Colorado, just outside of Denver.
Up for grabs is this Brother PR-650 Entrepreneur professional 6 needle digital embroidery machine. This is a complete package and is everything you need to get right into business.
Along with the machine, included are the following;
hat attachment
several hoops
94 spools of thread (3 of which are glow, 9 of which are large)
several hats, shirts, and other blanks
needles, bobbins, backing, and much, much more
USB thumb drive with many images.
The machine is very gently used. It has only 33 hours of use and 821,204 stitches.
I'd be happy to give a demonstration of the machine and can even arrange for delivery when you decide to buy if within a reasonable distance. I will not ship the product.
Seriously inquiries only pm, email, or call 303-317-2457
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