By keo781 on
May. 14, 2011
United States
Hello, I am looking for a used conveyor dryer (preferably 110 volt). Nothing bigger then 8 ft.
There are 5 Comments
Re: WTB: small conveyor dryer San Jose Ca area
how much is your budget?
Re: WTB: small conveyor dryer San Jose Ca area
I have a 12 footer:/ in Santa Clara....
Re: WTB: small conveyor dryer San Jose Ca area
my budget is 1000-2000 dollars, im not trying to pay anything close to retail.
Re: WTB: small conveyor dryer San Jose Ca area
i have a 2ftx4ft for 800
Re: WTB: small conveyor dryer San Jose Ca area
Please post pictures here, or email me at
Thanks ahead of time.