toyota help

i have toyota 851 ESP
is somebody who can tell me if for loading programs using an computer-serial connection-the cable is normal serial cable or special.
what speed to set -computer side-for transmission-baud rate.
from the machine side i don t have settings for baud rate.
is an free software to use?
can i use DST file?

thanks in advance

United States

Here are the settings we use for our 850:

Bits per Second = 9600
Data Bits = 8
Parity = None
Stop Bits = 2
Flow Control = None

DST files work fine and you might look at embroidery fonts plus for transferring the files to the machine. As for the serial cable, you'll want to find or make a "null modem cable with full handshaking". They're fairly simple to make and you should be able to find a pinout diagram with a search. If not, post back and I'll try to give some instructions.


garagewear's picture

You do need a special cable. Pinout is in the back of Toyota user manual. Also posted on the Yahoo group for Toyota Embroidery.

manual is another problem.i don t have.
i will try to yahoo group